Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How the Media Portrays Women

I have chosen an ad from a cover of Vogue magazine.  I am not personally a reader of this magazine but I know a lot of people that are.  I came across it when I was searching on Google images for how the media portrays women. I found some pretty interesting ads. I have chosen this ad because Vogue is a very common magazine that a lot of people read and it involved the media.
On the cover of the ad is a young woman with curly blonde hair. She is sitting in a chair leaning forward slightly like she is eager. The black eye mask she is wearing takes up half of her face and is pointed on both sides. She is wearing underwear with fishnet hose and her breasts are being covered with her hands. On the bottom of the magazine reads “SEX”.
This ad objectifies women by making them out to look like sex toys. A half naked woman on the front of a magazine holding her breasts is degrading to women like me.  People wonder why this society is so messed up, when we let media portray women like that of course it would add to the cause.  When young girls see this they will think “I want to be pretty just like her when I grow up”. Making them think it is okay to show off their bodies like some sort of toy. There is no way to avoid it, because the media is everywhere.  Women should not be portrayed like that. We have more to offer than just sex.
The intended audience would probably eighteen to forty year old white women. Since this is a magazine intended for women. But I could see men read it just because of the cover. This ad supports this audience because women between the ages of eighteen and forty are sexually active in most cases and want to read it to somehow spice up their love life.  Get tips on how to make you better in bed.
I find this article very sad to know that this is how women are being portrayed. As a young woman I find that I have more to offer than sex. It disgusts me that men only want one thing and that is sex. Young girls are giving in a lot sooner to having sex because they think they will keep their boyfriend forever. But once they get what they want they are done and want nothing to do with them anymore. I don’t want to be portrayed as a sex object. I am a smart intelligent young woman and I do have goals, but they are not to pose half naked on the cover of a magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashton,

    I like the detail you have included here. I can see some improvement from the project proposal.

    What I would like for you to work on for the written assignment is the audience awareness. While you have a decent start, really think about who reads Vogue. It may help to flip through a magazine or two. Feel free to visit Borders or Wal-mart or Hastings. While you don't have to purchase the magazine, take note of what articles are featured, the advertisements all the while asking yourself, "Who would read this?" Begin to form an identity of the ideal reader. Take into account:

    1) Gender
    2) Age -- which you have done
    3) Sexual orientation
    4) Marital status
    5) Social class
    6) Occupation
    7) Education

    These are all related categories for this magazine -- ad.
    MS. C
