Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Writing Assignment: Construct a writerly biography. Who are you? Where do you come from? What have been your experiences with reading and writing? What do your classmates and I need to know about you as a reader and writer? What are your strengths and weaknesses as a reader and writer? How do these practices intimidate or excite you? (This assignment should be posted to your blog.)

Hello, my name is Ashton Knorr. I am 19 years old and I live on a farm.  My dad, Richard, is a farmer. My mother, Kellie, works at a vet clinic as a secritarty. And a little sister named Morgan who is very good at basketball. I have a dog named Grace and she is soo cute and I love her very much. I am currently employed at LaVerna Village Nursing home in Savannah Missouri. I hope to become a nurse someday so I can use critical thinking to help my patients. I currently attend Missouri Western State University (the best college ever!).
As a child I had better things to do than read.  I was outside a lot and reading was the last thing on my mind.  But as I entered the fourth grade my teacher Mrs. Talmadge assigned us to read in our free time. So I went to the library to find something that looked simple I could read to pass the time. I picked up a Laura Ingles Wilder book. After reading the first few chapters I was addicted. Every chance I got I was reading those books. Since that year I have enjoyed reading books that interest me.  Reading is my chance to let my imagination soar and take flight. I created pictures in my head and I didn't need television anymore as long as I had my books.
As I got into highschool I was forced to read book's that did not interest me as much such as the Scarlet Letter. That has to be my least favorite book to this day. But I was asked to read How to Kill a Mocking Bird for another english class I had. It kept my attention until the very end. So in some ways teachers trying to broaden my reading was a good thing. To this day I still love to read if I get a chance. The latest book I have read was the Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. This book was also assigned, turns out it has to be one of my favorite books I have ever read.
Reading is easy to me but writing scares me. It is easy to me to write down my thoughts and opinions but I am not good at struture, grammer, or really anything that has to do with writing.  But I do enjoy it even though im not good at it. Last semester I wrote a paper about my Grandma and I think it really helped me to let go of some grief I was holding inside. I believe writing can be very theraputic and it helps the mind to relax. Even if I do try to escape reading and writing as much as possible I find myself doing it everyday. When I am working by charting on my patients. When I am texting my family and friends or even when I have to read simple everyday assignments for work or school. No matter how hard I try reading and writing are all around me, and the better I get at it the more prepared for the future I will be!

1 comment:

  1. HI Ashton,

    Welcome to 104. I'm happy that you have chosen to take this course with me.

    I take it that your 100 class required "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls. I would encourage you to look at "Breaking Night" by Liz Murray. I've provided a link below, so that you could read a review about it. I haven't read it myself, but I hear it is an excellent read that captivates readers attention until the conclusion.

    Ms. C
