Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Back to December"

                You may have heard this song before on the radio; it is played quite often and is very popular. This is a song about a love story that didn’t work out the way it was supposed to. Two people who cared for each other very much had their hearts broken. But that’s really what love is, just heartbreak. It seems like there is no point in trying anymore. But not for Taylor, she is apologizing in this song to the boy that she hurt. This is unusual for Taylor because she is normally singing about someone who broke her heart.
                The song starts out with her saying she is so glad he made time to see her and she is asking about his family, it has been awhile since she had seen them. He tells her he is good and they make small talk about what they have been doing. She notices his guard is up and she understands why. Due to the last time they saw each other, he gave her roses and she left him in the cold. She explains in her song that she wrote this song because she is swallowing her pride saying she is sorry for what happened the last time they met. She says she relives the moment all the time entitling her song “Back to December”.  Now she realizes what she has lost and her freedom is only missing him. She explains she hasn’t been sleeping because she keeps thinking about that night and his birthday came and she didn’t call to wish him a happy birthday. She starts to reminisce about their times in her car when he would ride in the passenger seat and they would be laughing, then she realized she loved him in the fall. Then when winter came danger set into her mind and when he gave her love she gave him goodbye. She explains how she misses him texting, his sweet smile, and how good he was to her. Then at the end of her song she says if they would love again she swears she would love him right. She says if she could go back and change it she would and if a chain is on his door she would understand.
                This song employs pathos because it brings sadness to anyone who has had a broken heart. The feeling that when you have lost someone and you won’t get them back is a gut wrenching feeling and it hurts. You don’t know how much you love someone until they are out of your life then you start to think about the past. Wishing you could change it but you can’t. You feel lonely and you can’t get that person off your mind.  Time is the only cure. Even when you do move on the thought of that person is still in the back of your mind, and no matter how great this person is they will never compare to that one person. How would this song not be sad? Anyone who has been through this would know how hard it is and that it is sad.
                Love is tricky sometimes but it is a challenge and that is why we crave it. We like the feeling of having someone there for us in our times of need. Someone we can laugh with, cry with, and tell anything to. There is no pattern to love and nobody can control it. That’s why we want it. It is sometimes tragic, confusing, and painful, but when it does come around every once in a while it is such a beautiful thing. And Taylor found enough reason to write a song about it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


            I am the oldest out of me and my sister. I feel obligated to be perfect and not make any mistakes, because she looks up to me. Even thought she is already sixteen, I know I am still a role model for her. Just last night I was helping her study for a test. The fact that she asked me to help her made me feel like she can trust that can help her better understand.
            Growing up me and my sister Morgan played every day.  But when I went to school she cried. After I started going to school, she wanted to go to school as well. Her and my mom would be waiting for me to get home so we could all play together.  Those were the simple days, and sometimes I wish I could go back to the simple life.
            As we grew up we would fight a lot. About cloths, boys, hair, etc. stupid things that didn’t matter. We were so mean to each other I am surprised we didn’t kill each other. As the phase continued I had to move my room downstairs just to get away from her. I needed my own space and so did she so we could both grow up. I remember hitting her in the head with a bag of rocks because she made me so angry. Those were the growing up days.
            But though all of our stages we have both turned out to be pretty good girls. We are very close and actually share a room now. She is going into nursing because I have caught her interest in the Health Occupations class at Savannah High School.  We tell each other everything; she is like my best friend. I don’t know what I would do without that crazy girl. Now more than ever I try to do as much for her as I can including giving advice, money, food, etc. I love her a lot and try to protect her from everything, especially boys. This is why I feel the need to be perfect because I don’t want her to make the same mistakes I have.
            But she doesn’t know I look up to her as well. She is such a strong individual; she is smart, pretty, and caring. She has a good head on her shoulders and I know she will do well if she keeps up her hard work. So not only is she looking up to me but I am looking up to her. We push each other to do our very bests. This is why I love her.