Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Beauty or the Beast

                In this week’s reading I really focused on Valenti’s Beauty Cult chapter. She talks about how if you are ugly then you should just give up on life, because nobody should be ugly. Being ugly is literally killing us. We suffer from diseases such as anorexia and bulimia that have devastating effects. These girls know these effects but they continue to do it because they don’t want to be considered ugly. And we all know that if you are ugly then nobody will love you, you will never have a boyfriend, and you won’t get a good job. This is so bad that we are punishing ourselves for stupid things like this. And this is all because society is pressuring girls to be perfect; such as having flawless skin, a skinny body, and nice cloths. Well not all of us have these physical features. I don’t for sure.
                Another thing she mentions in this chapter is plastic surgery. Women are going to extraordinary lengths to make themselves look better. Women make their breasts bigger because they don’t like them or get nose jobs. This is becoming a regular thing. Why are we paying doctors to cut us open and put things in us? A lot of the time it doesn’t even come out the way you want it to. And it also can have bad effects. But we still allow doctors to do this to us because society wants us to think if we don’t have big tits and the perfect body then we won’t be accepted. She mentions this show where they go out and find the ugliest women in America and they give them a makeover. Not only is that bad but they ask the family members and friends to say something about their appearance before and they would describe these women as ugly. Their families say this about them! Wow this is horrible to me. Then it brings up the issue of women getting their vaginas fixed because no one wants an ugly vagina. They pull the outer labia back in this surgery. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
                Overall we should not be influenced by society and we should be proud of what we have. It is what makes us different from other people. Stop trying to be like everyone else and be a fucking individual for once. I’m so tired of society telling women they are ugly, we are not ugly.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I'm Stong

            After this week’s reading I was very upset to know that some pharmacists are refusing to fill prescriptions because they don’t believe in premarital sex. These girls should trust their pharmacist. It’s ridiculous how pharmacists are going against their legal obligation and not filling prescriptions. You don’t hear stories about how a guy walks into a health department and is refused medication say to a sexually transmitted disease because they are just “boys being boys”. Fuck that, just because they have a penis doesn’t mean women should be refused medication. Women have just as much right to have premarital sex as men do and it really pisses me off that women are the ones being judged and called names.
            We are being treated unfairly and it is time for this shit to stop. Without women we would not be able to reproduce, and we are the ones devoting more time to raising the children. We also have to go through childbirth. I think we deserve to be treated as equals if not more. We don’t only work full time jobs but we have to come home and do chores around the house, cook food, help with homework, and make sure the kids are in bed. Then the process starts all over again. We are strong. I don’t care what guys say, I know I am strong and nobody can make me believe otherwise.
            Being refused medical assistance is against the law. They are required to treat you and not being able to go into a damn pharmacy and have your birth control prescription filled pisses me off to no end. Not only that but being asked if it’s to make your period lighter. What the fuck? Seriously? His vagina isn’t bleeding so he should mind his own fucking business. It’s you that even gives him a damn job and he has no right to judge you. Guys are not interrogated like this, why should we have to be? We should not have to hide having sex, it’s a natural thing.
            Another thing that upset me was if you get raped it only counts if you’re a virgin. Really? Do they thing we would enjoy being held down for God knows how long, being beaten, and having some guy shove his penis in our vagina? How does not being a virgin make that fair? Not only would you be physically injured but emotionally it would be horrifying. Having to remember how some guy fucked you against your will then left you there naked, hurt, bleeding, and who knows what else. It is a horrible thing. Rape is rape and should be treated as such no matter who it happens to. It could happen to anyone not just women. Then having your whole town know about it, it’s horrifying to even think about. These creeps should be put in jail for the rest of their lives and never be let out. They are obviously fucked up and will do it again.
            Just because I am a girl doesn’t mean I fight like one either. I am just as good as any boy and I don’t have to prove it. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you’re not good enough because you’re a girl. Just let that push u farther to do more and prove them wrong. We women are strong and no one should tell us otherwise!